
The way sphinx-multi-theme works is by specifying all the themes you want to build using the usual html_theme option in your file, but instead of a string you’ll use the provided MultiTheme class. Forking happens on the config-inited Sphinx event. Here is an exmaple:

from sphinx_multi_theme.theme import MultiTheme, Theme

extensions = [
html_theme = MultiTheme(
        Theme("alabaster", "Alabaster"),
        Theme("classic", "Classic"),
master_doc = "index"
version = "1.2.3"

In this example the documentation will be built twice: the main theme will use the built-in Alabaster theme, and the Classic theme will be built in a subdirectory.

Linking to Themes

You may use the multi-theme-toctree directive to link all themes with each other. This directive is based on the built-in toctree directive, with most of those options still available. This will let your users visit all themes and all themes will show up on the sidebar (provided that the theme you’re using has a sidebar). Here is an example index.rst or

My Project

Hello World

.. toctree::
    :caption: Pages


.. multi-theme-toctree::
    :caption: Themes
# My Project

Hello World

:caption: Pages


:caption: Themes